Used in households across the world, wood burning stoves are powerful heating solutions that can provide warmth and charm to virtually any home.
Far more efficient and environmentally friendly than other sources of heat, a wood burning stove is a sound investment and is a great option if you’re looking to replace an older, open style fire. Charnwood’s wide range of Ecodesign Ready stoves are up to 90% more efficient than a traditional open fires and older stoves.
How does a wood burning stove work?
Wood burning stoves offer exceptional reliability and can be used to heat properties of all shapes and sizes, as well as individual rooms. They remain one of the most energy efficient ways to heat a property, using renewable and locally sourced fuels to generate heat.
How to use a wood burning stove
A wood burning stove generates a great deal of heat, so we would recommend you wear protective gloves when operating it.
One of the keys to a successful fire is to ensure your wood is dry with a moisture level of less than 20%.
Start by making a small ‘Jenga’ stack of kindling around a firelighter on top of 2 small logs. A top tip is to use a natural fire lighter as this generates better results with a cleaner burn.
Once you’ve done this, you can then light your fire. To get the fire started you should always leave the stove door slightly cracked open and the air lever pulled all the way out to allow oxygen to flow over the kindling. If you do need to re-fuel the fire at any point, simply open the air supply lever and the door to the stove, then place your new logs on your stack of burning wood. We recommend loading little and often.

How to install a wood burning stove
In the UK it is important your stove is fitted by a HETAS registered engineer or fitted according to Building Regulations (document J) and signed off by Building Control.
We would always recommend purchasing a stove through one of our official Charnwood stockists who will either offer a full installation service or recommend a registered installer. We have carefully handpicked our dealerships to ensure they provide you with the best advice, service and, crucially, after sales support. Stoves purchased through this route also qualify for our 10 year dealer backed guarantee and a 1 year no quibble guarantee on all consumable parts (such as door seals, firebricks and glass).
There are many things to consider when it comes to wood burning stove installation, including whether you have an existing chimney breast or fireplace, distances to combustible materials, the size of your room, the age of your property and how well insulated your home is.
Your official Charnwood stockist will, in most cases, carry out a full survey of your fireplace and will need to know a number of things about your property including if you’re installing the stove in a smoke-controlled area. They will also recommend the right sized stove for your property and ensure that the model you choose complies with current and future regulations.
If you’re considering buying a wood burning stove, get in touch with our skilled and experienced team.