Regulatory Info
There is nothing quite the same as heating your home with a real charnwood fire

At Charnwood, we are committed to delivering the most efficient, high performance stoves that are fully in line with all of the relevant regulations and legislation.
Below you’ll find information about DEFRA exemption and our work with the Stove Industry Alliance, as well as the product fiche for each model.
Stove Industry Alliance

We’re proud members of the Stove Industry Alliance (SIA) – an alliance of manufacturers, distributors, advisory bodies, and other interested parties who sell stoves, as well as flue, chimney products, and fuel.
Many of our stoves are smoke reducing or can be fitted with a smoke reducing kit making them DEFRA exempted. This allows you to burn wood logs on the appliance in smoke control areas.
Live Fire App
Discover how one of our stoves will look in your home with our free app.
Stove Calculator
Work out the ideal stove for your home with our handy and easy to use calculator